Sunday, February 25, 2007

plunging into.....

Holding my forehead while the tunes make their way into my head, tormenting every inch of my soul, subtle yet so incredibly harsh, ecstatic but so profusely spontaneous -The feeling of being swept away when it makes its way down my spine . That never ending feeling of a second going by, taking so long to end and making me realize every moment that a second beholds.
That feeling of plunging my head into a pool of freezing water and keeping it down until my nerves die out. That feeling of a thousand needles spearing their way into my face. Voices asking you to pull urself out , but you just don't want to. Tightening ur fists while the blood stops flowing to ur hands and head.
Why , Oh why do I want to plunge into such depth and coldness... ?

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